DoD OIG Multimedia

The Department of Defense Office of Inspector General conducts independent audits, investigations, and evaluations. Through our oversight work we provide critical and timely information to Congress, the DoD and the public.  Users are encouraged to review the YouTube Terms of Service and the Google Privacy Policy.

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DoD OIG Highlights

Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey Highlights

DoD OIG Announcements

Coming Soon DoD OIG Cash Awards Program PSA
Coming Soon

The Cash Awards Program recognizes and rewards disclosure of suspected fraud, waste, or mismanagement that results in a cost savings to the DoD.  Cash awards may be granted to DoD civilian employees and nonappropriated fund instrumentality employees whose disclosure of fraud, waste, or mismanagement is not related to a matter within their official responsibilities.  Click the thumbnail to view the video. Publicly released: October 17, 2022.

DoD OIG Whistleblower Protection DoD OIG: Know Your Rights

The Whistleblower Protection Coordinator (WPC) educates DoD employees on reporting fraud, waste, and abuse within the DoD and the means by which they may seek a review of reprisal allegations. To learn more about the WPC, click here. Click the thumbnail to view the video. Publicly released: January 21, 2022.

The Whistleblower Protection Coordinator (WPC) educates DoD employees on reporting fraud, waste, and abuse within the DoD and the means by which they may seek a review of reprisal allegations. The WPC also provides general information on the timeliness of such cases, the availability of alternative dispute mechanisms, and avenues for potential relief. Click the thumbnail to view the video. Publicly released: July 21, 2021.

DoD OIG: Hotline DoD OIG: Impactful Oversight

The Department of Defense Hotline provides a confidential avenue for individuals to report allegations of misconduct, waste, fraud or abuse in DoD programs and operations without fear of reprisal. Click the thumbnail to view the video. To learn more about the DoD Hotline, click here. Publicly released: February 4, 2020.

The Department of Defense Office of Inspector General is an important component of the DoD. The DoD OIG is responsible for detecting and deterring waste, fraud, and abuse in DoD programs and operations; Promoting the economy, efficiency, and effectiveness of the DoD; and helping ensure ethical conduct throughout the DoD. Click the thumbnail to view the video. Publicly released: December 5, 2019.

DoD OIG FY 2020 Top Management Challenges and Oversight Plan 2019 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense

Glenn Fine, Principal Deputy Inspector General Performing the Duties of Inspector General for the Department of Defense introduces the Oversight Plan and Top DoD Management Challenges for Fiscal Year 2020. Click the thumbnail to view the video. Publicly released: November 4, 2019.

The 2019 Compendium lists the number, type, age, and status of 1,581 open recommendations, as of March 31, 2019. Click the thumbnail to view the video. Publicly released: July 24, 2019.

DoD OIG FY 2019 Top Management Challenges and Oversight Plan 2018 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense

Glenn Fine, Principal Deputy Inspector General Performing the Duties of Inspector General for the Department of Defense introduces the Oversight Plan and Top DoD Management Challenges for Fiscal Year 2019. The Oversight Plan describes the specific oversight projects the DoD OIG intends to conduct in FY 2019, and how those projects are related to the top DoD management challenges. Click the thumbnail to view the video. Publicly released: November 29, 2018.

The 2018 Compendium lists the number, type, age, and status of 1,558 open recommendations, as of March 31, 2018. In this Compendium, the DoD OIG highlights the 25 high-priority open recommendations that, if implemented, have the potential to result in significant improvements to DoD operations. Click the thumbnail to view the video. Publicly released: August 1, 2018.

DoD OIG Congressional Testimony

Coming Soon F-35: Ensuring Safety and Accountability in the Government's Investment
Coming Soon

Theresa Hull, DoD OIG Assistant Inspector General for Audit, testifies before the House Committee on Oversight and Reform on the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter: “Ensuring Safety and accountability in the Government's Trillion Dollar Investment".Click the thumbnail to view the video. Publicly released: July 22, 2020.

Protecting Those Who Blow the Whistle on Government Wrongdoing DoD Inspector General Report on Excess Profits by TransDigm Group, Inc.

Glenn A. Fine, Principal Deputy Inspector General Performing the Duties of Inspector General for the Department of Defense, testified before the Subcommittee on Government Operations on "Protecting Those Who Blow the Whistle on Government Wrongdoing". Click the thumbnail to view the video. Publicly released: January 28, 2020.

Glenn A. Fine, Principal Deputy Inspector General Performing the Duties of Inspector General for the Department of Defense, and Theresa S. Hull, Assistant Deputy Inspector General for Audit, testified before the Committee on Oversight and Reform on "DoD Inspector General Report on Excess Profits by TransDigm Group. Inc." Click the thumbnail to view the video. Publicly released: May 15, 2019.